Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Understanding Ap Lit 2016 Essay Samples
Understanding Ap Lit 2016 Essay Samples The Little-Known Secrets to Ap Lit 2016 Essay Samples It's not difficult to observe how those lenses would produce the exam impossible to standardize and reliably assess. Your exam is broken into portions. This can help you get acquainted with the exam experience so that you'll feel more comfortable on exam day! Before entering any AP class, it's ideal to read over the training course overview and become acquainted with the exam. These can vary in quality based on the caliber of the review book, so make sure to look for reviews online of any book before you purchase it. Writing at that amount of mastery demands hard work. It's very beneficial to take writing apart so as to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. Instead of worrying about passing a class, and all the things which you have to do as a way to succeed, you need to try to just understand what it is that you are learning, together with your creativity and passion. Using Ap Lit 2016 Essay Samples Attempt to select the best devices to back up your argument that you are able to. If you cannot determine what the question is, return and reread the prompt. Certainty and doubt go together because an excessive amount of certainty can earn an individual close-minded and ignorant. In case the answer is yes, attempt to structure your argument in order for your points build off one another. How the poem is in 2nd person also raises the intimacy of the poem. Tie every claim you make to a bit of evidence to make sure the ideal essay possible. Instead, you would like to analyze the essay and make certain your claim is supported. Bridget's essay is extremely strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Stephen's essay is quite effective. However, this isn't the only scene where Hamlet acts existentially. When you're writing an English essay, you have zero chance to verify your paper by another individual. And that will surely lift the engagement of the author and the caliber of the writing. The evidence is a significant portion of your essay. Rhetorical analysis addresses the author and his intentions. The Ap Lit 2016 Essay Samples Trap The tiny note at the conclusion of the prompt about avoiding plot summary is quite important. Sooner or later, Hamlet turns out to be an exceedingly existential character. Consult your parents to spell out the rear row to you. The second point, that making connections is a sort of thinking which can be taught, cannot be proven until the very first point has been sufficiently supported. Utilizing the most energy efficient means to bring oxygen in to your entire body, while in addition practicing positive imagery can create a huge impact in your life. The term synthesis is understood to be a blend of elements to form a connected whole. The ma jority of us in daily life aren't writing for a specific person or audience, but rather for someone known as the overall reader. Even though there are just two short paragraphs, there's a great deal of room for confusion here. Occasionally it's helpful to observe how others were able to get over the difficult first-line hump. No really, it is a very good idea. Only that you need to remember that both sides are arguable, pick one, and stick with it. Prompt consists of an article that you've got to synthesize. Frequently, it includes a text you should analyze. In the English classroom, though, a text has traditionally been a slice of literature. Based on your assignment, you may have to pick a key text. Convince your reader that you're right. Keep the overall reader in mind as you write. Extra info or tangents will merely hinder your essay. There's no neutral, objective direction of reading a literary text. If you're writing a background synthesis, in some instances it might be appropriate that you provide an interpretation of the material or have a position (thesis). You'll observe a similar structure in several of the essays. The organization is easily the most significant part a synthesis, so try out more than 1 format.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Gender Stereotyping Associated With Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is commonly known to be as a female problem in the world. However, men are also in risk for such mental illness as well. Although statistically females do have a higher ratio of developing AN, men should deserve the same recognition for being equally in danger. The gender stereotyping in our culture leads to the emphasized focus for females in AN. Little attention has been paid to this imbalance while majority of the researches are done in general questions about AN such as causes and treatments, and most case studies are done with female subjects (Soban, 2006). To investigate more about inequalities between gender in AN, my question for the research is how are men isolated from AN by gender stereotyping? Gender stereotyping is camouflaged in our daily lives, but we can identify it by thinking critically. As Burke states in his essay, Terministic Screens, â€Å"Even if any given terminology is a reflection of reality, by its very nature as a terminology it must be a selection of reality; and to this extent it must function also as a deflection of reality†(Burke, n.d.). One of my evidence, a brochure titled Anorexia by the Counseling and Psychological Services of Oregon State University, provides a good demonstration of selection of reality by specifically mentioning ‘she’ rather than ‘he or she’. In there, the author has chosen only to write about females, which ignores the possibility of male AN patients. This is then a deflection of reality. In WhatShow MoreRelatedEssay about Eating Disorders: A Feminist Issue1575 Words  | 7 Pagesan effort to understand the prevalence of eating disorders among women. Fat is sexual in women. . . to ask women to become unnaturally thin is to ask them to relinquish their sexuality (Wolf, 193). Women who develop eating disorders, especially anorexia, are denying their sexuality and natural female body. Bordo (1993) explains this phenomena as a rejection of the patriarchal mold for females. Disidentification with the maternal body, far form symbolizing reduced power, may symbolize freedomRead MoreGender And Gender Roles1456 Words  | 6 Pagesage, people are told who they must be and how they must act determined by their gender. Gender roles are a set of societal norms that dictate a person’s behavior based on the appropriate and acceptable rules for their gender. This notion derives from the assumption that girls favor dolls and dress-up, while boys prefer toy guns and trucks. These instances contribute to the concept that those of male and female gender must fulfill a specific ideology. These societal standards are ingrained withinRead MoreFactors for Abnormal Behavior. 1798 Words  | 8 Pages1. To what extent do biological, cognitive, and sociocultural factors influence abnormal behavior? †¢ Biological †¢ Genetic predisposition (e.g. depression, schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa) †¢ Imbalance of neurotransmitters (anorexia nervosa and depression – serotonin, schizophrenia – depression †¢ Hormones (anorexia nervosa: cortisol, orexin) †¢ Cognitive †¢ Cognitive theorists believe that abnormality is caused by unrealistic, distorted or irrational understanding, perceptions and thoughts about oneselfRead MoreUnderstanding Mental Ill Health Essay2557 Words  | 11 Pagessituation that usually poses little or no actual danger. Exposure to the object or situation brings about an immediate reaction, causing the person to endure intense anxiety (nervousness) or to avoid the object or situation entirely. The distress associated with the phobia and/or the need to avoid the object or situation can significantly interfere with the persons ability to function. Adults with a specific phobia recognize that the fear is excessive or unreasonable, yet are unable to overcome itRead MoreReality Tv Influence Youth Behavior1932 Words  | 8 Pagesdepends on the child’s attention span, how they would process the information and of course their own e experience however limited this may be. Reality television can affect the attitudes and behaviors of children all over the U.S. through its stereotyping, violence and cultivating false perception of reality. This differs from family to family and depends on the values instilled in the child. While media manipulates the minds of youth and teens, the value portrayed on reality television byRead MoreMental Illness Has Plagued The World For Hundreds Of Years.1889 Words  | 8 Pagesthe world for hundreds of years. With mental illnesses came the increasing stigmatization towards them. Stigmatize is to â€Å"describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval†(Oxford Dictionary) and a stigma is simply â€Å"a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person†(Oxford Dictionary). According to the US President’s Commission on Mental Health the stigmatization of mental illness has grown with the spread of media (qtd. Wahl 343). The problems society isRead MoreA Common Outlook On Mental Illness1983 Words  | 8 Pagesways. The most obvious is individual discriminationâ€â€for example, when a person rejects a job application or refuses to rent an apartment to a person with a mental illness. However, there a re also more subtle mechanisms through which labeling and stereotyping lead to negative outcomes. One of these is structural discrimination, in which institutional practices work to the disadvantage of stigmatized groups, even in the absence of purposeful discrimination by individuals. For example, schizophrenia receivesRead MorePornography And Sexual Aggression By The Media2242 Words  | 9 Pagespositively. If instead both react to violence against women as a negative connotation, viewers will be more likely to defame and combat the desire for violence aligned with females. In a study conducted by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders they concluded that â€Å"The body type portrayed in advertising as the ideal is possessed naturally by only 5% of American females.’ ( The United States Census, as of July 2014, states that there are 162 million women inRead MoreAdvertising Stereotype2544 Words  | 11 Pagesindustries, which need as wide an audience as possible to quickly understand information. Stereotypes act like codes that give audiences a quick, common understanding of a person or group of peopleâ€â€usually relating to their class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation, social role or occupation. But stereotypes can be problematic. They can: reduce a wide range of differences in people to simplistic categorizations transform assumptions about particular groups of people intoRead MoreEvaluating Attainment by Children: Bridging Conspicuous Consumption with Fundamental Elements of Obtaining Commodities 1747 Words  | 7 Pagesservice, causing the parent or caregiver to succumb to the wants and desires of the child under their care (Barbaro Earp, 2008; Kurnit, 2005; Soni Singh, 2012; Preston, 2005). Marketing aims at imposing cultural normalities (Preston, 2005) and gender roles that children identify with early in development (Tepperman Curtis, 2011, p. 101; Tepperman, Albanese, Curtis, 2014, p. 57). For example, Barbie the doll, through film and toy imitations, represents feminineness (Tepperman Curtis, 2011
Monday, December 9, 2019
Service Dominant Logic of Marketing †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Service Dominant Logic of Marketing. Answer: Introduction: The servicescape is an environment where sellers and buyers interact. The servicescape elements are composed of three dimensions (Achroll and Kotler 2014).These dimensions are ambient conditions, signs, symbols and artifacts and spatial layout and functionality (Wirtz 2012). The purpose of the service environments is to enhance the image of the process of service delivery and the service elements are a part of the value proposition of the business. The service environment also helps in positioning and differentiation of the service delivery process. The elements of the servicescape model are designed by companies to create incredible experience for customers during the service delivery process and to affect the behavior of the buyer during the encounter of services (Chathoth et al. 2013). Ambient Conditions are elements of the service environment which cater to the five senses of customers. The ambient conditions should be carefully and cleverly designed to elicit desired behavioral responses from customers during the process of service encounter (Lovelock 2011).The ambient conditions which include lightning and color schemes, sounds such as noise and music, temperature and scents, size and shape perceptions are perceived by customers during the process of service delivery. The ambient conditions of Sunway Pyramid Hotel, Malaysia are discussed below. The lighting of the Sunway Pyramid Hotel is more than just illumination. The lightning of the entrance of the hotel and the hotel lobby look fabulous and have a strong impact on the experience of the customers as soon as they enter the hotel. The lightning of the Sunway Pyramid Hotel which is used in the premier rooms, clubs and suites and the villas are vibrant and enchanting which compliment the dcor of these places like the artwork, architecture and the furniture of the rooms. Lighting used in the Sunway Pyramid Hotel are of three types i)Task lighting which are used in the hotel to facilitate serving of food, reading, computing and other tasks. These are bright and direct lights. ii) Ambient lighting is the soft lighting which is used in the Sunway Pyramid hotel which makes activities like a conversation or watching of television comfortable and soothing. Accent lighting is used in the hotel to attract attention of customers to particular design elements of the hotel like archite cture, painting and sculpture. The accent lighting of the hotel creates drama and mood for the customers during the service delivery process ( 2017). Colors schemes play an important role on the emotions and behavior of the customers during a service delivery process. Colors can impact the perception of well being of customers (Wilson et al. 2012). The colors used in the entrance, lobby , rooms and suits, dining spaces, meeting rooms of the Sunway Pyramid hotel are vibrant and carry symbolic meaning which the visitors recognize subconsciously. The colors used within the hotel premises make it a place for hospitality, comfort and relaxation. The hotel makes use of earthy colors like browns and natural colors like various shades of white, green, and blues. The curtains used in the rooms are of bright colors like red which symbolizes energy and passion ( 2017). The temperature used in the Sunway Pyramid hotel is comfortable and made customers feel relaxed while enjoying joyful moments. The hotel is fully air-conditioned; however the authority of the hotel regulates the temperature of the hotel premises depending on the season and customers preference. It is ensured that customers neither shiver due to cold temperature nor do they feel sweaty due to hot temperature. Thus an optimum temperature is maintained within the premises of the hotel ( 2017). The background music used within the premises of the Sunway Pyramid hotel is an integral part of the brand identity of the hotel. The music played in the hotel is in alignment with the theme of the hotel, has a positive impact on the mind of customers and ensures that they feel the inner desire to stay back in the hotel in future. The music of the hotel room is changed according to various occasions, like different music is played during wedding events, dining and business meetings ( 2017). Spatial Layout and Functionality Spatial Layout refers to the size and shape of furnishings, architecture, and the floor plan, wall decor of the business space and the techniques of the arrangement. Functionality is the ability of special layout to make the process of service transaction easier. These two dimensions of servicescape elements determine the user friendliness and enhance the experience of customers during service encounter (Lusch and Vargo 2014). The choice of the floor plan and design, architecture and dcor of the entrance hall, lobby, wedding halls, dining halls and hotel rooms of the Sunway Pyramid hotel are purposeful, illusionary and dreamlike. The hotel makes use of attractive green artificial flowers to decorate the dining space and wedding halls. The floor planning is a professionally designed to make optimal use of the hotel space. For instance, the Grand Lagoon Ballroom of the Sunway Pyramid hotel is pillar-free, has dressing rooms and built-in washrooms, wireless and wired technology for communication, a four-tonne cargo lift, four hotel lifts, three function room lifts, two passenger escalators and a private lobby. The hotel has auditoriums with theatre-style seating arrangement, seven board rooms and meeting rooms, Sunway Pyramid Convention centers and twelve function rooms with spectacular view of Theme Parks ( 2017). The elegant foyer of the Grand Lagoon Ballroom overlooks the skyline of Sunway Resort City and can accommodate up to 2000 guests. The majestic interiors, high ceiling and pillar free layout makes the ballroom the most preferred location in Kuala Lumpur to organize prestigious events, weddings and gala dinners. The Convention Centers are ideal for events like exhibitions, weddings, concerts and annual dinners. The Resort Caf provides amazing dining experience to customers and the functionality of the spatial layout in this caf reflects Malaysian and Asian culture. The floor plan of the villas of the hotel is amazing as the villas are equipped with private plunge pools where guests can enjoy amazing private pool time. Sunway Pyramid hotel has different attractions near to the hotel premises like Sunway Lagoon Theme Park; Sunway Pyramid shopping whose functionality is to increase the fun time for customers during their stay in the hotel ( 2017). Signs, Symbols and Artifacts The signs, artifacts and symbols are signals to help customers find their way during a service delivery process. The signs, symbols and artifacts used in the service environment communicate the image of the firm to customers and help customers to navigate easy through service environment. Customers try to develop insights the signs, artifacts and symbols used in the service environment of a firm. However, the challenge lies in guiding customers during the entire process of service delivery. For instance, unclear signals used in the service environment can create anxiety and confusion among customers and fail to obtain desired results (Mok, Sparks and Kadampully 2013). The sings, symbols and artifacts of the Sunway Pyramid hotel are carefully used so that visitors and guest can navigate within ease in the hotel premises. The signs and symbols help customers to find their way to staircase, elevators, washrooms, emergency exit and provide direction to locate important places within the hotel premises like the conference room, the ball room, the auditorium, the meeting rooms ,the function rooms, restaurants, he dining space, bars and cafes( 2017). Conclusion It can be concluded that the elements of the service environment cant be optimized in isolation; the design of the elements of the sevicesape is dependent on one another and is holistic in characteristics. References Achroll, R.S. and Kotler, P., 2014. The service-dominant logic for marketing.The service-dominant logic of marketing: Dialog, debate, and directions,320. Chathoth, P., Altinay, L., Harrington, R.J., Okumus, F. and Chan, E.S., 2013. Co-production versus co-creation: A process based continuum in the hotel service context.International Journal of Hospitality Management,32, pp.11-20. Lovelock, C., 2011.Services Marketing, 7/e. Pearson Education India. Lusch, R.F. and Vargo, S.L., 2014.The service-dominant logic of marketing: Dialog, debate, and directions. Routledge. Mok, C., Sparks, B. and Kadampully, J., 2013.Service quality management in hospitality, tourism, and leisure. Routledge. 2017.Sunway Pyramid Hotel. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Oct. 2017]. Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V.A., Bitner, M.J. and Gremler, D.D., 2012.Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm. McGraw Hill. Wirtz, J., 2012.Essentials of services marketing. FT Press.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Rachele Bland Essays - Demographics Of The United States
Rachele Bland Melton 11/20/17 Is the American Dream attainable for the non-American? INTRODUCTION: Get attention/attention-getter opening: Minorities have never met minor prejudice. Instead, they've approached American society cautiously, developing tools to unlock the doors that we've unjustly closed in front of them. Establish Credibility and Goodwill: Regardless, the flag waves with an assumption, unwavering, that we live in the land of opportunity; why? The pieces of our nation that hold small pieces of other nations within them are held back more so by our judgment than by a border or a sea. Thesis Statement: The American Dream should exist in America, rather than strictly for the American, and should represent the prosperity of our country, rather than the prosperity of our white men. Benefits Immigrants compose a large portion of our population While strides are being made in Washington towards progressive immigration laws, current regulations are still flawed There are an estimated 9 million Asian American votes; 4% of all eligible voters Immigration Modernization Act would reduce the budget deficit by $135 billion in the first decade Over the next 4 years, the number of eligible votes (Latino) nationwide is expected to increase by more than 4 million people to 27.7 million 10.4% of Latinos complete a bachelor's degree, compared with 24,4% for the entire population As a percentage of eligible voters, Latinos make up 11.3% of the population Under Plyler v. Doe, the law prohibits public schools and personnel to deny access to education based on immigration status Americans are more inclined to support than oppose legislation similar to the Dream Act now under consideration in the senate. That legislation would begin to address the status of some illegal immigrants already in the country One of the Provisions of the 2009 version of the Dream Act required that beneficiaries be between the age of 12 and 35 at the time the bill was enacted. Within a few years, undocumented students graduating from high school would again have no pathway to legislation II. Diversity The immigrant population is becoming more diverse The United States contain large proportions of immigrant populations from several different areas, of which should be provided more fair opportunities In 1960 a full 75% of the foreign-born population came from Europe, while in 2012, only 11.8% came from Europe. Asians recently surpassed Latinos as the fastest growing group of new immigrants to the United States. Asian Americans make up 5.1% of the population Immigrants occupy a large portion of our educated population: By 2020 Latinos will make up 22% of the nation's college aged population. In 2007, Latinos represented about 12% of full-time college students. Despite these statistics, Latinos still continue to graduate at much lower rates from higher education, reflecting an achievement gap. Within the Latino population, Cubans have the highest population of high school graduates enrolled in college. Guatemala, Mexico, and El Salvador represent the three largest national origin groups among undocumented population of the United States. Immigrants are adding to progressive communities of LGBTQ, women, etc. In the 1960's 2/3 of the US had populations in which less than 5% of individuals were foreign born. In 2012, 61% of our foreign born population lived in the west and south. Today, women outnumber men in foreign-born population. There are almost 1 million gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and LGBT immigrants in the US today. III. Discrimination A. Opportunities for immigrants need to be expanded, as many immigrants find it difficult to advance in the American economic sphere. 1.6 million skilled immigrants are un or underemployed More than half of the foreign born immigrants are home owners Less than one in five immigrants live in poverty Immigration reforms for undocumented citizens in five years would increase the earnings of all Americans by $618 billion in the next decade In 2010, immigrants represented 5.2% of the labor force B. Immigrants receive a bad rap and are labeled as with a criminal blanket. With the 2001 folding of immigration and naturalization services into the department of homeland security, the undocumented have become an expanding component of criminalized class. Latinas are often portrayed as attracted to public assistance and more likely to take advantage of public welfare The top 1% of Americans make more than the bottom 40% The incarceration rate for immigrant men ages 18 to 39 is 0.7% (2000) C. Immigrants find it hard to seek advancement because of their unfair treatment when reaching for educational opprotunities In 1932 US Supreme Court case Plyler v. Doe, the court held that states could not discriminate against students enrolling in K-12 public schools in the United States on the basis of their legal status. Although undocumented students can apply to most
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