Thursday, October 31, 2019
Beach resorts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Beach resorts - Essay Example In this context, the analysis of the characteristics of beach resorts requires the reference to beach, which is a prerequisite for the establishment of a beach resort. Beaches are areas that meet the following criteria: ‘a) they are common property, b) they are highly dynamic energy systems and c) tourism is the main coastal activity on them’ (Botero and Hurtado 2009: 133). Beach resorts have been related to specific issues as of their development, management and operations. These issues are highlighted in the literature. In regard to their development, beach resorts need to be aligned with the standards set by local authorities for establishing a business in beach resorts. The above requirement is necessary only for beach resorts that are also used as centers of business activities. This means that all businesses established near beach resorts have to meet specific conditions and cannot expand their operations above the limits set by the relevant laws. When referring to beach resort as a coastal system, then a different approach would be used for explaining its development. The development of such system refers to a series of activities that need to take place so that a beach can be used by people for recreational purposes, which are among the key purposes of the specific systems. In the above case, the term development refers to projects for cleaning the beach and for taking measures so that the safety of any person that would use the beach is secured, as possible. Of course, they are coastal areas in which no development task has taken place and which are often characterized as beaches just because the have the characteristics of such ecosystem. For example, a coastal area which is not organized, being far from a residential area with no access to facilities for covering basic needs, such as food or cleaning, can be considered as a beach, a practice that would not be correct: such place is not a beach but it is a coastal area. Beaches are usuall y organized for providing to their visitors access to basic facilities. In the context of this study emphasis is given on beach resorts as systems related to business activities, such as the Marriott’s Marbella Beach Resort the characteristics of which are explored below. The development of beach resorts as areas where business activities are developed, needs to be combined with appropriate management plans otherwise any expected benefits would be eliminated. More specifically, in the case of beach resorts, management refers to activities such as the monitoring, periodically, of the condition of the beach in terms of litter accumulated, of damages that have been possible caused on certain of the area’s elements due to weather or due to human activities, of pollution caused by residential or business blocks that are established near to the coast and so on. Other activities, such as the gathering of funds for supporting projects required for keeping the beach clean or fo r other needs of the beach, can be also incorporated in beach resort management. In regard to the operations of beach resorts, emphasis should be given to the following fact: the conditions on which the daily operations of a beach resort will be based are set in the context of the resort’s management plan. In the specific plan the objectives that the particular resort has to achieve are defined; these objectives can be achieved only if an effective management plan
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Drug abuse Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Drug abuse - Statistics Project Example For example, people who use marijuana, heroin, or cocaine may not concentrate on social development because they feel satisfied with their present situation. On some occasions, the drug user may break from family roles, detached, wretched, or depressed. These outcomes of drug use hinder individual contribution to social growth. 3. Drug culture tends to provide satisfaction to the drug users. As argued by Isajiw (156), people who use drug usually build some mental pictures about a given social state. The Asian and the Blacks slaves working in America, for example, used cocaine and marijuana to relieve their stresses, enabled them to cope with the hard conditions. 4. Drug use, as a social problem, influences relationship between the drug user and his or her immediate community. In this sense, consumption of certain drugs poses threat to the society. The social fabric usually depends on an individual ability to adhere to social structures. However, drug use tends to influence individual interpretation to social demand. 5. Drugs affect the normal body function because it interferes with brain cells. Theo and Jim (229), in their book, Social Problems, observed that some social problems such mood disorders, depression, among others are shaped by chemicals concentration in the brain. As a person uses a drug, the chemicals in the drag flow into the blood stream to the human brain. Once the chemicals reach the brain, they interfere with the normal body
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Social Construct Of Mental Illness Stigmatization Sociology Essay
Social Construct Of Mental Illness Stigmatization Sociology Essay In order to begin this essay it is worth outlining some of the meanings behind the terms mental illness and stigma. Mental illness is a conceptually problematic term as there as different ways of speaking about normal and abnormal behaviour (Pilgrim and Rogers, 1999). It can broadly be described as a type of health problem which affects an individuals thoughts, feelings and the way they interact around other people. It also has a cognitive dimension as it can affect anybody at any time and may be temporary or permanent (Pilgrim, 2005). Scheff (1984) discusses the medicalisation of mental illness, he argues that residual deviance (pg. 36) can refer to the variety of conditions which are held under the umbrella term of mental illness simply because they do not come under any other category, such as criminal. Essentially, any form of unacceptable or deviant behaviour which is not classed in other ways, becomes a form of mental illness. Scheffs approach uses labelling theory to discuss m ental health; this is something I will turn to later. Surveys have revealed that the majority of us are acquainted with mental illness and are familiar with it damaging effects either through a friend or relative etc. 15% of us have had a mental health problem ourselves (Layard, 2005). Stigma can be defined as the social consequences of negative attributions about a person based upon stereotype. In the case of people with mental health problems, it is presumed that they lack intelligibility and social competence and that they are dangerous (Pilgrim, 2005, pg 157). Goffman (1963) argued that stigma spoils a persons social identity, it creates a gap between a typical, ordinary social identity which we expect others to have and our real social identity. It disrupts everyday social interaction because normal individuals do not know how to behave with stigmatized individuals and vice versa (pg. 15). Goffman identified three types of stigma, stigma deriving from physical defects or abnorm alities, stigma of race and religion and finally perceived blemishes of individual character this includes such things as sexuality, political beliefs and mental health (Goffman, 1963, pg. 14). Goffmans work is very important in discussing the complexities of stigma and discrimination and I plan to use his work throughout this essay. Skinner et al (1995) argue that a hierarchy of stigma exists in which inferior social statuses such as prostitute and alcoholic are ranked. They identified mental illness as being at the bottom of the hierarchy. The stigma of mental illness is different from others because it involves changes in behaviour which attracts negative judgment by others. It makes people wander about an individuals stability and whether they pose a risk to themselves or others (Bury, 2005). In order to better understand the stigma of mental illness it is necessary to conduct research into the lay views held amongst the public, this includes accounts from people with mental health problems (MHP) who discuss their experiences, and also the views of those without MHP (Pilgrim, 2005). A qualitative study by Dinos et al (2004) which researched the experiences of 46 people with a mental illness revealed that stigma was a major concern to most of the participants. Stigma defines individuals in terms of their mental illness and has the potential to impact on all aspects of life. Goffman (1963) formulated stigma into a double perspective, the first is obvious to others and cannot be hidden. He referred to this as discrediting. The second type is discreditable and is not necessarily noticeable to others (pg. 14). With this form the problem is managing personal information, whether this means hiding the fact that they have a mental illness, or hiding the nature and extent of the c ondition. Dinos et al (2004) found that the management of information was a major problem and a potent source of stress, anxiety and further feelings of stigma even in the absence of any direct discrimination (pg. 176). Some of the patients chose to downplay their illness by telling others it was another type, such as depression. Experiences of stigma were also dependent on the nature of the illness, those with depression and anxiety were more likely to feel stigmatized. While those with schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder were more likely to experience physical and verbal attacks. The effects of stigma can be extremely damaging, individuals may feel depersonalized, rejected and disempowered (Pilgrim, 2005, pg 158). This can lead to isolation and an acceptance of the treatment received as justified. This in turn can cause a further decline in their health (Dinos, et al, 2004). In terms of lay views of mental health held amongst the public, these are usually ones of distrust and sometimes hostility. Many people hold stereotypical views of mentally ill people in which psychotic behaviour is expected (Pilgrim, 2005). The influence of the media is important here and is something I will turn to later. Attribution theory (Corrigan et al, 2000 and Bury, 2005) can be used to explain stigma and discriminatory practices. It consists of two aspects, controllability and stability the former refers to the extent to which individuals are responsible for their own mental illness and stability refers to whether the illness can improve over time and to what extent. Studies which use attribution theory reveal that many believe that individuals with MHP are to blame for their illness and do not deserve any sympathy. They believe them to be potentially dangerous and should be avoided. Also, they show no optimism about people reaching recovery (Corrigan, et al, 2000). An examp le of such a study comes from Weiner and colleagues (cited in Corrigan, 2000), they asked 59 students to rate various disability groups according to aspects of controllability and stability, the results revealed that they viewed mental illness much more severely than other illnesses. The widespread stigmatization of mental illness is rooted historically in fear of the unknown, our tendency to attack ridicule or laugh at what we dont understand (Lalani and London, 2006). Since the deinstitutionalization of mental illness and the introduction of care in the community initiatives, this fear of the other has become much more significant as the boundaries between the sane and insane have become blurred. We have a strong need to distance ourselves from things that we fear, therefore the stigma of mental illness is one of panic and hostility. Having discussed the stigma of mental illness and the perceptions held amongst the population in a little more depth, this leaves the question of how it is culturally constructed. Thoits (1985) discusses how we learn to act and feel through repeated social interaction. Our emotions are governed by the norms of society which we internalize from an early age. We know how we should feel in a variety of circumstances e.g. sad at a funeral lively at a party, happy at a wedding, proud on success, angry at an insult and so on. (pg. 224). Equally, we recognize when our behaviour may be viewed as inappropriate to others and learn to control it. For example, big boys dont cry and keep a stiff upper lip (pg. 224). We have a shared awareness of how we ought to behave in the social world, therefore anybody who breaks these norms is subject to ridicule. Thoits develops a theory which contrasts with Scheff (1984). She argues that self-labelling processes are significant in mental health, as people assess their own behaviour and seek professional help voluntarily. Scheff on the other hand focuses on the involuntary nature of mental health treatment and how people come to be defined as mentally ill; his concern lies with the institutionalization of mental illness. The perceptions of people with mental illness held by wider society are ones of devaluation and discrimination (Link cited in Gaebel et al, 2006). When a person is labelled as mentally ill, these conceptions become part of his or her sense of self. Labelling theory is useful in understanding the stigma of mental illness. We react to mental illness is a similar way to crime and the criminal. This approach to deviance focuses on the reaction of others in maintaining and amplifying rule breaking or secondary deviance (Marsh et al, 2000). The labelling process can have a detrimental effect on a persons status and identity. Their old identity is discarded and a new master status label takes its place. In the case of the mentally ill individual, his or her condition comes to define who they are, regardless of the other roles they may have (such as parenthood or their job). Their stigmatized role of mentally ill dominates their existence (Marsh et al, 2000 and Pilgrim, 2005). The negative e ffects of labelling are very clear, research has suggested that employers are less likely to offer jobs to those who have been labelled mentally ill. They are also less likely to be given housing and more likely to have charges made against them for violent crimes. Some studies however, have indicated that labelling has had positive benefits for the individual (Pilgrim, 2005). The main source of information for the general public about mental illness comes from the mass media. The media have come to represent the beliefs and perceptions of wider society and frequently exaggerate events and portray inaccurate stereotypes of people with MHP. There is an unquestioning acceptance in the media of the rising toll of killings as a result of community care (Dunn, 2002). For example, in the Daily Mail (21 February, 2003) the headline 400 care in the community patients living by murder park was printed after a woman was found dead in East London. After discovering that a large number of care in the community patients lived near the park, the police and the media assumed she was murdered by a deranged psychiatric patient living in the community. Headlines like this are not uncommon and newspapers consistently present the image of the dangerous, unstable, incurable mental patient (Lalani and London, 2006). Other examples of hard-hitting headlines include violent, mad. So docs set him free. New community care scandal (The Sun, 26 February 2005) and Bonkers Bruno locked up (The Sun, 22 September 2003). Philo (1996) found that two thirds of news coverage made associations between mental illness and violence, but media depictions are not consistent with the facts about mental health and violence. Home office statistics indicate that there is little or no correlation between violence and mental illness. In reality, people with MHP are more likely to be the victims of crime than the perpetrators (Dunn, 2002). There is a lot of empirical evidence to suggest that the media informs us about mental illness and that their depictions are characteristically inaccurate and unfavourable (Wahl, 1992, pg. 351). Wahl and Roth (cited in Wahl, 1992) found that mentally ill characters in prime time TV shows lacked a social identity. They were usually single, unemployed and described negatively with adjectives like aggressive confused and unpredictable (pg. 345). Man y other studies have produced similar results, with dangerousness and violence being the most common traits of people with MHP. Wahl argues that these portrayals must have an effect on our behaviour and attitudes towards mental illness. Many studies have demonstrated that repeated exposure to media stereotypes in general influences conceptions of social reality (pg. 346). He cites research that demonstrates that heavy viewers of television tend to relate the real world to televisions distorted representations. One study asked students to complete a questionnaire about mental health before and after a viewing of One flew over the cuckoos nest those who saw the film had a less positive view of mental illness than those who hadnt seen it (Wahl, 1992). It is clear then that the overall relationship between the media and the mentally ill is not in dispute: it is one of sensationalism, exaggeration and fear mongering (Lalani and London, 2006). It is important however to mention that not a ll aspects of the media perpetuate negative stereotypes and it can be a useful tool in tackling discrimination and stigma. For many people living with a mental illness, the cultural attitudes of fear, hostility and ignorance has contributed to experiences of isolation and social exclusion. A report by the Citizens advice Bureau (CAB, 2003) revealed that most people with a MHP are unemployed and that those who did have jobs end up leaving because their employers convince them that they are unable to cope. Jo, a mental health service user discussed her experiences at work in a report to the mind inquiry (Dunn, 2002 pg. 11) when she informed her boss that she had to see a psychiatrist his reaction said it all, as soon as mental illness is mentioned people literally back away from you. Pilgrim (2005) highlights that people with MHP are three time as likely to be unemployed than those with physical disabilities. This is mainly because of the attitudes of employers and not because of a lack of willingness on the part of the individual (CAB, 2003). There also exists a disincentive to work for those who are in r eceipt of welfare benefits. For many, their income upon finding work would only increase at a small rate, if it all, and they would lose out on any supplementary benefits such as housing benefits. Further to this is the difficulty in having their benefits reinstated should the job not work out (CAB, 2003). Social exclusion is a complicated and often cyclical process. It can affect a persons access to education, social services and health care. Such limited access to one service can have a knock on effect on others. For example, restricted use of education and training opportunities can sustain unemployment further which in turn contributes to the benefit trap and can of course deepen a persons exclusion and cause a further decline in their health (Dunn, 2002). It is clear then that the social exclusion of people with MHP denies them the basic levels of citizenship, happiness and wealth available to everybody else (Pilgrim, 2005). To conclude, the stigma of mental illness is based on generalizations about insanity. These stereotypes are constructed through feelings of fear and anxiety over things we do not understand and struggle to relate to. There is no doubt that our views of mental illness are completely ungrounded and are transmitted repeatedly through the mass media, thus reinforcing a distorted image in our collective psyche. Stigma is used to identify and expose something abnormal about an individual (Goffman, 1963). However some are critical of the stigma framework and argue that it is too individualistic. If we study the collective discriminatory practices which cause exclusion for many people with mental illness, such as poverty and labour market disadvantage, then strategies for change may be easier to develop (Pilgrim, 2005). Layard (2005) identified mental health as our biggest social problem. It is not just a major health concern, it is a political issue. With such high numbers of people affecte d my mental illness, the costs to the economy are significant. Tackling stigmatization is an essential step in improving the lives of those affected. This involves inclusion of groups themselves, as only those with the knowledge and experience cans suggest what is right for them.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Are There Philosophical Reasons To Promote Gifted Education In The Context Of A Democratic And Egal :: Philosophy Essays
Are There Philosophical Reasons To Promote Gifted Education In The Context Of A Democratic And Egalitarian Society? ABSTRACT: Despite the historical recognition of the importance of the development of individual human potentialities for the group, gifted individuals have not been treated equally. Three reasons are analyzed: (a) the primacy given to institutions over the individual, except those particular cases in which the individual is identified with the institution itself, or invested with the power of one institution; (b) the lack of recognition of the particular needs of gifted individuals; and (c) the assumption of egalitarian ideals inside specific societies. Despite arguments to the contrary, gifted education will be defended. Gifted individuals have special needs. I assume that Hope and Good Will provide enough justification for this public human task. Traditionally defined, education is the social enterprise that preserves the cultural gains of human groups, and transmits them to future generations. As a social tool, education is used to reach collective and individual objectives; it is a common tool that helps to satisfy the needs of both the society as a whole, and each individual in particular. It is also broadly acknowledged that educational endeavors are human efforts to trim, polish, and "improve" our human nature. From a historical perspective, we notice that human societies have provided unequal educational attention to their constituencies. Individuals coming from different socio-economical strata have had access to correspondingly different levels of attention. Usually, those individuals pertaining to a higher strata in the power structure have received the benefits of a major social investment, mainly for the sake of status, regardless of their real capabilities. At this point we need to make explicit the implicit assumption that individual capabilities --wit, talents, genius, temper, neuromusculoskeletal structure, and diverse chemical byproducts-are the historical result of randomly combined factors, including date and place of birth. There is another assumption that should be considered for a mixture of pragmatic and ideological reasons without ignoring that some of its implications convey some internal logical contradictions and, potentially, undesirable effects. Nevertheless, if we assume --for the sake of the argument-- that all human beings are equal, and all have the right to develop their potential to its maximum, then we have to say that fair and systematic attention is not found in the treatment given to the whole class of individuals genetically endowed with special needs --including the gifted ones. Some of them have been neglected in the frame of our highly socio-economical and politically stratified societies.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Gandhi’s Philosophy of Non-Violence Essay
First there was hostility, blood, vandalism, looting, pillaging, and then there was Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most influential people in history and fittingly has a place in the pantheon of the visionaries who changed the world. His philosophies of ahimsa and satyagraha, meaning non violence and non violent resistance respectively as a form of civil resistance and disobedience is one of the most prominent and most renowned for its massive implementations throught history. This essay’s aim is to describe the basic principles of ahimsa (non-violence) as it was introduced by Gandhi and bring to light one very important aspect of his teachings, the fact that violence is not only its obvious and apparent physical form, but can also be economic, ethical, political, psychological and educational and the only way for these to be eradicated is through peaceful manifestations. Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence (ahimsa) and non-violent action (satyagraha) is constitu ted by a number of fundamental principles. Thomas Berton, having dedicated his life being drawn into a dialogue between Eastern and Western religions and viewpoints, has made a lot of research on the matter. In his book entitled â€Å"Gandhi on Non Violence: A Selection from the Writings of Mahatma Gandhi†he insightfully states that â€Å"Ahimsa (non violence) is for Gandhi the basic law of our being†(23). Based on this notion, Berton argues that non violence is one of the most valuable beliefs when it comes to public action, because it matches up to man’s instinctive craving for peace, justice, freedom etc. (23). The main principles of Gandhian non violence are respect for other people, understanding, acceptance of the differences of others, appreciating and celebrating diversity, truth and truthfulness, dealing with untruth wherever one finds it, and soaking up pain and agony from any altercation with untruth. According to Berton, â€Å"[s]ince himsa (violence) degrades and corrupts man, to meet forc e with force and hatred with hatred only increases man’s progressive degeneration†(23). In practicing the relational values of non violence we seek to recuperate and renew ourselves, become the change we want to see in the world and eventually demonstrate that people, organizations and governments can move the world toward love and peace pro-actively. Ahimsa gives man the possibility to reinstate impartiality and social order and by no means usurp authority (Berton 23). One aspect of Gandhi’s philosophy that is universally unfamiliar is that of the multidimensionality of violence. Douglas Allen, in his article â€Å"Mahatma Gandhi on Violence and Peace Education†focuses attention on this feature. â€Å"Gandhi, of course is very concerned with violence in the more usual sense of overt physical violence†(Allen 295). However, as Allen correctly points out, such severe explicit violence only comprises a minute quantity of the violence that ought to be dealt with (295). â€Å"For Gandhi, non violence is more than the absence of overt violence; peace i s more than the absence of overt war†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Allen 294). According to Douglas Allen, â€Å"interpreters of violence†, center on obvious demonstrations, such as murdering, injuring, rape etc. while Gandhi focuses on the diverse kinds of violence and how status quo, even when liberated from explicit violent disagreements, is undeniably very aggressive (294). â€Å"These many dimensions of violence interact, [and] mutually reinforce each other†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Allen 295). Gandhi, as Allen rightly illustrates, is very considerate of affairs, in which some who own a lot of money are able to take advantage of and govern those deficient of such supremacy (295). This is a typical example of economic violence. Furthermore, Gandhi uses the term educational violence. â€Å"A professor may use the grade as a weapon to threaten, intimidate, terrorize, and control students, including those who raise legitimate concerns†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Allen 296). Similarly, most political discipline would be analysed by Gandhi as being innately violent, as it actually engages us in a world of â€Å"antagonistic adversarial relations†(Allen 296). All these different kinds of violence, according to Gandhi, can be done away with only through peaceful manifestations and the employment of non violence. In conclusion, non violence is essential to people because it matches their innate will for peace, harmony, freedom and order. Any action of violence degenerates their progress. Violence has many faces, including political, economic, educational, ethical and psychological aspects. Gandhi focuses on such features, as he considers them the big piece out of the pie named violence. Non violence is based on tolerance, acceptance, truth and diversity and gives everyone the possibility to re-establish objectivity and justice, but that can only happen if everyone erases violence from his life. Works Cited Allen, Douglas. â€Å"Mahatma Gandhi on Violence and Peace Education.†Philosophy East and West 57.3 (2007): 290-310. JSTOR. Web. 30 May 2012. Merton, Thomas. Gandhi on Non Violence: A Selection from the Writings of Mahatma Gandhi. New York, NY: New Directions, 1965. Print.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Argumentive Paper on Illegal Downloading of Music
1. Speech Title: Our Modern Day Pirates 2. Speaker/Audience: An environmental activist/local group of environmental activists. 3. Purpose of Speech: EXAMPLE: To convince my audience to take action to preserve the tropical rainforests. 4. Thesis: EXAMPLE: I. Attention A) Alright so who here, and be honest knows that they have illegally downloaded one of their favorite movies, music exct.? (hands will be raised) Ah!!! So there are my thieves B) The usage of illegal downloading has been a huge problem in the creation of the arts.Millions of dollars are being invested into the hard work that’s produced for the enjoyment of the society and is lost. C) For those who don’t know stealing movies or music or anything is against the law. And trust me later on in my speech your going to know how unconstitutional it is to steal. Credibility) I have witnessed one of my fathers friends who was in a band. They were starting to grow into a successful band, opened for kiss at the red roc ks. Soon to come, CDs stop selling and Xirens own money that he put in was lost due to illegal down loads.E Preview) From this speech you will learn 1) how illegal downloading started its affect on artists that supply the music. 2) You will learn Statistics on how it financially affects the music business and others, 3) the consequences of illegal downloading and 4) cheap alternatives to satisfy your needs in hopes to stop this madness. Transition) Lets go back to June the year was 1999. A creator Shwan Fanning Started one of the most unethical practices of file sharing called Napster. II. Body: A. Need: It all started with a simple project that was created called file sharing.File sharing is the practice of distributing or providing access to digital stored information such has mp3 or music file. 1. According to an article ( R. I. P Napster) The excuse that Napster promoted for illegal downloading was â€Å"The recorded companies had let them down by only putting on a few hit sing les and fills it up with songs just to get more money. †So Napster was programmed for individuals to select certain songs and not pay for it. When this happened, then millions of others begin to upload their own music and share it with others around the globe.This lead to major copy writes infringements, which eventually put Napster out of business. It was too late though. Now some arguments that I have heard when I ask why do you illegally download music? The response is, the record companies cheat the artists out of their money anyways. They see the record companies as big monsters who are evilly personified. Your basically playing robin hood when you go and download stuff without paying for it. Your ripping off the record companies. You think â€Å"yea were beating this big evil monster†.2. Unfortunately if you only knew the business part of it, the money that is spent on the CDs or on I-tunes goes straight to the big evil monster record companies. Once this happens then the artists who produced that music gets a generous profit from the record company. 3) The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is extremely concerned with the illegal downloading. Since Napster, Music Sales have dropped 47% from loosing 14. 6 billion dollars. (TechDirt. net) From 2004- 2009 30 billion songs were illegally downloaded on file sharing networks. Illegal downloading loses the music industry 12. billion dollars a year, and said from 2004-2009 over 71,000 jobs were lost. This includes not only music artist but sound engineers, technicians, warehouse workers and even record store clerks. Illegal downloading under minds the future of music. by stealing the music you take away the music industries resources it needs to find new talent and holt the uprising of better music. *When we steal and download illegally a copious amount of music then the record companies are not getting enough money and profit to pay the artists. This is when the only outcome is puni shment for participating in this scheme.B. Satisfaction: Its now time that drastic measures must be taken. Just last year a federal jury found a thirty two year old women who was charged 1. 9 million dollars. Charged 80,000 a song and only illegally downloaded 24 songs roughly twenty four bucks with the . 99 cent charge fee on I-tunes. (Digital Media Magazine) Was it worth it? If you are caught the record companies get to decided based off infridment laws how much they can sue in individual. This is just one of the many cases who has been charged according to the copy write laws. S1. One way to stop this problem is to educate others on this subject.According to (Teens less likely to illegal download when they know ) 70% of people who were interviewed had no idea file sharing was illegal. These could be lies due to the fact of being afraid being sued, but 2. With the education on illegal downloading Between 2006-2009 16-20% of illegal downloading has declined, and 15-30% of people we re engaged in legal downloading of music. Transition) *To keep you out of the dog house here are some safe alternatives so you can enjoy your music or in this case movies as well C. Visualization: If you think that there is no other way to satisfy your music/movie needs then think again.Example: I-tunes, Pandora radio, or even Netflix are safe legal ways to accesses music and movies. Netflix is one of the best alternatives to view movies and T. V shows. You only pay 7. 99 a month and receive unlimited movies. Example) Also big Television networks such as NBC,MTV and FOX will let you view episodes of your favorite shows. If we stop the illegal downloading just think of how much support artist will have and money to create even better music! *Now lets turn to some basic tips and a short story that helped me stop illegal downloading.D. Action: 1) Since illegal downloading is such an easy task to do, think to yourself how you can be the domino effect of the down fall of the music indust ry. 2) Now I cant be there sitting over each and everyone of your shoulders and advise your descion to legally download. When I crashed my old computer using a file sharing called KAZA my father was livid. He gave me advice on how to govern my own actions. He asked me if I knew what the definition of character was. With 8 different translations of the word character in Webster dictionary my father came up with the ninth.He said Alex â€Å"Character is based on your actions and morals when no one is watching. Conclusion. Summary: In conclusion you have learned the beginning stages of illegal downloading, and how to combat this situation with safer alternatives. Importance: You saw how important legal down loading can be for the music industry and others, and the importance of supporting musicians by buying their music. Clincher: So just because no one is around and its just you behind the screen of your computer, think to yourself before you download if you’re a thief or a ho norable person.
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